Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition Blog

What Kind of Education Does Your Chiropractor Have?

What Kind of Education Does Your St Paul MN Chiropractor Have?

What Kind of Education Does Your St Paul MN Chiropractor Have? Have you ever been curious as to how long your St Paul MN chiropractor went to school or how similar their route is to other healthcare fields? Knowing and understanding the background and various certificates that a chiropractor has obtained will help you significantly…

Take Your Golf Game to The Next Level with Chiropractic

Take Your Golf Game To The Next Level With Chiropractic In St Paul MN

Take Your Golf Game To The Next Level With Chiropractic In St Paul MN Regularly visiting Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition will not be able to help cure your slice or help you make more putts, but it does have the potential to improve your overall game and your scores. It is a commonly…

Neck Traction In St Paul MN

Neck Traction In St Paul MN

Neck Traction Pain In St Paul MN If you’ve been a patient of Dr. Kayla’s for a while, she has probably stressed the importance of doing your daily neck traction at her St Paul MN chiropractic clinic. Cervical traction is an awesome daily “spinal hygiene” exercise that stretches the neck muscles and ligaments, protects your…

Why Piper Gets Adjusted In St Paul MN

Why Piper Gets Adjusted In St Paul MN

Why Piper Gets Adjusted In St Paul MN This was a really fun chiropractic day! Piper and her family came in for adjustments after driving and sleeping in hotels subluxated their spines and resulted in discomfort.  The whole visit she was saying “it feels so good!!!” and “you should get adjusted – it feels so…

ITB Stretches In St Paul MN

ITB Stretches In St Paul MN

ITB Stretches In St Paul MN Dr. Kayla (Zirpel-Proctor) Orr our St Paul MN chiropractor is demonstrating ITB (iliotibial band) and TFL (tensor fascia latae) stretches and exercises at Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition! ITB Stretches in St Paul MN Runners can have ITB issues, tightness, and tenderness. Tight ITB and TFLs can contribute to…

Chad’s Chiropractic Story In St Paul MN

Chad’s Chiropractic Story In St Paul MN

Chad’s Chiropractic Story In St Paul MN Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition in St Paul MN offers comprehensive chiropractic services that include adjustments, stretching, massage, lumbar traction, and more in situations like this. Check out Chad’s success story with chiropractic care in St Paul MN. Chiropractic Success Stories In St Paul MN These are…