Dr. Kayla’s Cooking Journey In St Paul MN
Dr. Kayla's Cooking Journey In St Paul MN

I USED TO HATE COOKING! Considering how much I talk about healthy (and usually gorgeous!) food and recipes to my patients and community members, that might surprise you. My interest in cooking my own healthy food really took off about 5-7 years ago. When I was little I was not interested in helping my mom in the kitchen (even though she was the best kuchen maker in the state of South Dakota!); I might have occasionally made bars or something as a child/teen, but that was as far as it went.
While attending 8 years of college, who had time to cook?? I was too busy studying and working; in fact, I worked at Perkins, so I could get my food 1/2 price. Why cook my own food?? After starting a practice and working long hours, it also just seemed easier to eat out. Learn how as a St Paul MN chiropractor, I changed my cooking habits.
Healthy Cooking Journey in St Paul MN
I got tired of feeling gross after eating restaurant food. My guts didn't feel right plus I would usually sneeze several times within an hour after eating something not right for my system. My nose and sinuses would also run like an Olympic runner in the mornings - also another sign of consuming something that wasn't a good fit for me.
So I actually desired to cook my own food - AND to cook it to be typically much healthier (with minimal or no: grains, dairy, chemically-laden seasonings, etc.) than what I grew up with. I desired to cook meats and tons of veggies; herbs were to be the source of my flavors.
What I have found was that cutting and working my food with my own hands was a very meditative practice. I have also found that every time I chop something I am reminded of my mom cutting potatoes at the kitchen sink. My mom passed away 5 years ago and I really miss seeing her cut potatoes at the sink and preparing food in her kitchen; I would absolutely love to be able to tell her my latest and greatest cooking creations.
Two things have really helped me in my journey to enjoy creative cooking that may also help any of you who struggle with a desire to cook. I did Hello Fresh, which is a meal delivery plan in which all the ingredients are shipped to you and you put everything together - it was super easy! You can check it out for yourself right here and get a coupon for your first box delivery. The second thing I did was get a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) subscription.
The CSA subscription fills my fridge with a variety of FRESH FROM THE FARM produce! I receive a huge variety of chemical-free vegetables, fruits, and herbs with which I use to creatively cook to my heart's content. It takes the thinking out of grocery store shopping trips and keeps me out of the processed food sections of the grocery store. Norm, the Farmer, also sends a weekly newsletter with what's in the box as well as a recipe and other ideas.
The fall CSA delivery is coming up! I highly recommend it for those people who are journeying towards better health and want to know exactly where their food comes from. It is a much shorter delivery schedule than the summer delivery schedule and the veggies will be of the more hardy fall kinds.
The delivery dates are on Thursday, October 26th, Thursday, November 9th, and Tuesday, November 21st. They are usually able to continue to offer a limited number of crops later into the winter as well. You'll get a full bushel box of late-season crops, storage veggies, and hardy greens and herbs. If it seems like a lot of food, split a subscription with friends or family.
A fall vegetable share is $150 and consists of 3 bi-weekly bushel boxes. Egg shares are also available for an additional $175 (details can be found on the website).
Click the link to sign up and enhance your health this fall!
If you choose to do a share, you will need to bring a bag on those days to her office at 1173 7th St W to collect your food. Please let Dr. Kayla know if you are planning to do a share so she can adequately prepare!
If you have any further questions, please email norm the farmer with questions: norm.the.farmer@gmail.com
If you have any other questions at all, please contact our St Paul MN team at Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition today.
11:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition
1173 7th St W
St Paul, MN 55102
P: (952) 693-1565
F: (651) 925-0073