Every CrossFitter Needs A Chiropractor In St Paul MN
Every CrossFitter Needs A Chiropractor In St Paul MN

Subluxations, or misalignments of joints in the body, can inhibit peak performance AND your health! St Paul MN chiropractors correct them like dentists correct the plaque off of teeth! Contact us today for more information regarding adjustments for CrossFitters.
Top 10 Reasons Why Every CrossFitter Needs A Chiropractor in St Paul MN
- You want to get stronger, better, faster, and quicker!
- "I'm not very flexible" crosses your lips.
- You round your back while attempting deadlifts (low back/pelvis subluxations).
- Your shoulder kicks your butt during overhead squats, pushups, ring dips, etc. (neck/shoulder subluxations).
- Too tired or stressed out to WOD to your max most days (upper neck subluxations).
- The knee hurts after 1-2 miles of running - in your Vibram 5 fingers, of course! (low back/pelvis/hip/knee/ankle/foot subluxations).
- You can't "get low enough" on your wall squats, front squats, and any kind of squat - squats (low back/pelvis/hip subluxations).
- Your "ego gets in the way" and you do everything Rx'ed and trash your back (spine subluxation).
- You miss a WOD or 2 "every once in a while" due to an injury (subluxation anywhere in the body).
- Your knee and ankle shake while doing a "piston," aka single-leg squat (low back/knee/ankle subluxations).
If you have any other questions at all, please contact our St Paul MN team at Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition today.
11:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition
1173 7th St W
St Paul, MN 55102
P: (952) 693-1565
F: (651) 925-0073